Tami Bonnell, CEO of EXIT Realty Corp. International today announced that Carol and Rick McDaniel, Regional Owners of EXIT Mid-Atlantic (Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and Washington, DC) have acquired the regional rights to the State of Pennsylvania.
The McDaniels joined EXIT in 2002 and have enjoyed an illustrious career with the company, achieving Region of the Year in both 2005 and 2012. They will add Pennsylvania’s 8 brokerages to the 32 already under the EXIT Mid-Atlantic banner, which include some of the top real estate brokerages in the system.
“Our vision is to unify and strengthen all of our five states,” said Carol McDaniel. “We see exciting opportunities in the future for our Brokers and Agents by pulling together and capitalizing on our synergy to achieve profitable growth and development in their real estate careers.”
“Rick and Carol are doing such a tremendous job in the mid-Atlantic region, they are the right choice to lead Pennsylvania in 2016 and beyond,” said Bonnell. “With the staff and systems they have in place we look forward to considerable growth in that State.”