EXIT Realty Advantage Raises Money and Builds Hope for Homeless Youth in NB with Help from the Spirit of EXIT

Samantha Wood, sales representative with EXIT Realty Advantage of Fredericton, NB, and her fellow EXIT associates chose to support Youth in Transition and their annual 12 Hours for Homeless Youth initiative. Youth in Transition is an organization that has been working in the community for over 30 years addressing the housing needs of homeless and at-risk youth between the ages of 16 and 19.

“Through our Chrysalis House youth gain the social and personal supports required for independent living, facilitate growth through lifeskills training and educational supports, and conduct individualized case plans,” said Sarah Caissie, Fund Development Coordinator for Youth in Transition. “We have had EXIT Realty Advantage as the presenting sponsor of this event since 2010.” 

Samantha has witnessed the organization’s good work first-hand. “I know someone personally who lived in the house and because of it, now leading a wonderful life and a contributing member of our community,” she said.

Many non-profits had to pivot in light of restrictions imposed and safety concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth in Transition was no exception in adapting their annual 12 Hours for Homeless Youth (12HHY), the organization’s major fundraiser.  “12HHY had always been an in-person event, where teams raised funds for Chrysalis House and then constructed cardboard shelters that they then slept in for the night,” said Ms. Caissie.  The solution was a switch to live-stream.  “The team at EXIT Realty Advantage built a cardboard structure at their main office and we had a community champion – actually a family of community champions – sleep out in that shelter and then we live streamed it from the site and collected donations.”

A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund. Through the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program, EXIT offices and associates can raise money for local, approved, registered charities and apply to EXIT’s head office to have those funds matched from the company’s pledged pool of funds. Samantha and the team at EXIT Realty Associates hoped to raise $7,500, which EXIT’s head office was proud to match, however they raised $9,135.78 for a total donation of $16,635.78 for Youth in Transition.

“We are so grateful that this initiative was chosen for the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program,” said Ms Caissie. “From all of us at Youth in Transition, thank you for making 12 Hours for Homeless Youth a successful event.”

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