EXIT Realty Plus and the Spirit of EXIT Make Wish List a Reality for Aspen

Allison Momi, sales representative with EXIT Realty Plus in Salt Lake City, UT, tells the story of how she was impacted by a little girl’s story and what she and her team did to help.

Aspen Agnew is a 5-year-old little girl who was diagnosed with brain cancer, Diffused Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), a little over a year ago. DIPG is a fast-growing tumor with symptoms typically appearing suddenly and quickly becoming dramatically worse. These tumors occur in the pons, an area of the brainstem that is responsible for many of the body’s essential functions, such as breathing, blood pressure control, and eye movement.

I was out working in my neighborhood when I met her grandmother, Anne, who told me the whole story as she was especially emotional that day. I was so touched that I have since been in contact with Aspen’s mother and Children and the Earth, Inc. trying to figure out how I can help.

Children and the Earth, Inc. is a charity that has done so many good things for children facing life-threatening and terminal illnesses. They provide opportunities for children and their families to create lasting memories and fulfill wishes. They do anything from helping with medical expenses, remodeling houses to help with wheelchair access, to helping check off as many bucket list items as they can. Anything they can do to help in such a devastating time of need is what they do.

<My fellow EXIT associates and I> blasted a fundraiser on Facebook and other social media platforms. We also sent emails to our vendors, family, and friends. Finally, we did a raffle at our EXIT Christmas party for some gift baskets where all funds went towards the fundraiser.

“Aspen has been through SO many things and yet she remains this happy, excited, fun little girl. She has big dreams, and we really want her to live to fulfill them,” said Allison Agnew, Aspen’s mother.  “She is so sweet and caring about everything. She has this light about her that attracts people to her. She started kindergarten this fall and loves it. She is so smart and all the kids in her class love her. She is truly an angel on the earth, and we desperately want to keep her here.”

A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund. Through the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program, EXIT offices and associates can raise money for local, approved, registered charities and apply to EXIT’s head office to have those funds matched from the company’s pool of funds. Allison and the team raised $2,818 which EXIT’s head office was honored to match, for a total donation of $5,636 to Children and the Earth, Inc.  

“We appreciate your time and assistance in making dreams come true. With the help of EXIT associates, we will be sponsoring her family trip from her wish list. We are so grateful for all the donations and excited for their family,” said Amber Brosig, Managing Trustee of Children and the Earth, Inc.

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