Six Degrees of Your Sphere

By Melanie Robitaille, Sr. Staff Writer and Graphic Designer

The North American population grows exponentially almost daily and yet, we all still find ourselves having those, “it’s a small world” moments across the continent. The Six Degrees of Separation idea implies we’re all six or less connections away from knowing one another, and in the world of real estate that means you could be just a friend of a friend of a friend away from someone needing your services, or your next possible transaction. Most new agents start spreading the word of their real estate journey with friends and family, the most comfortable and common pools in which to market themselves, but they’re only two of so many. Here are four questions to help get you started on building a solid first-degree referral sphere.

Every association, committee, or board you join both in and outside of real estate, even the trade shows or events you attend are fertile ground. And don’t forget other agents, tradespeople, or service providers with whom you do business. These are all pools within that first degree of your sphere.


When possible, face-to-face or phone conversations are always best, but you can also rely on EXIT’s Mobile Business Card or EXIT Realty’s Connect App to keep you top-of-mind when away, while providing your important contact info and branding for potential client home searches. If you’re social media savvy, “friend” or “follow” connections and create meaningful engagement using a daily 8×8 strategy. Don’t just re-post. Share about your why and provide useful tips and info, but personalized by you, to become the voice of real estate in your market.


  • Conduct is always key – in real estate YOU are your brand and what clients buy into first.
  • Knowledge is confidence – soak up the designation trainings, continuing education, and market trends available through NAR and CREA.
  • Start your CRM now – an organized database will ensure you stay on track and don’t miss a beat with your sphere.

You want people to know you’re an agent, but an authentic one at that. This means knowing when it’s the right time to bring up the topic, hand out the card, or flex your knowledge. Real estate transactions can happen in the best of times and the worst of times, so it’s on you to be mindful of individual circumstances and promotional etiquette.


  • People want to feel heard and seen – put away the phone and use whole body listening when communicating.
  • Try asking, “Do you need comfort or solutions” to help figure out how you’re most needed.
  • Find a good balance between automation and real-time, or in-person outreach to your sphere.

A job well done in real estate often leads to clients sharing their good experiences with others, but don’t assume all this effort will work for itself…yet. Enjoying a large percentage of referral business takes time, dedication, and repetition. Ensure your proven systems and marketing are scalable so you can expand into your second-degree sphere, and so on without too much augmentation. Building a solid sphere helps you develop business prominence and expertise. So one day, when your reputation precedes you and customers start seeking you out by name, you know you’re experiencing the stuff of which real estate dreams are made.

For more informative and inspiring stories like this, check out the Passion Forward issue of The EXIT Achiever today, or get a free copy by texting ACHIEVER to 85377.

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