Special Olympics Lunenburg/Queens Gets a Boost from the Spirit of EXIT

Recently, the team at EXIT Realty Inter Lake with offices in Bridgewater and Liverpool, Nova Scotia, held a yard sale to raise money to benefit Special Olympics Lunenburg/Queens.

Sandra MacNeil, Sales Representative with EXIT Realty Inter Lake, explains why the brokerage chose to support this particular organization. “Jon Walker, our company’s previous owner, was involved with Knights of Columbus, and they did a lot with Special Olympics,” she said.  “I’m also a volunteer coach, official, and mission staff.”

Special Olympics Nova Scotia’s website explains the organization’s mandate. “Through the power of sport, we offer a gateway to empowerment, competence and acceptance. Special Olympics Nova Scotia provides sport training and regional, national and international competition opportunities for 2,500 local athletes of all ages and abilities. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability through sport.”

A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund. Through the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program, EXIT offices and associates can raise money for local, approved, registered charities and apply to EXIT’s head office to have those funds matched from the company’s pledged pool of funds. The team at EXIT Realty Inter Lake raised $1,000 which EXIT Realty Corp. International was proud to match for a total donation to Special Olympics Lunenburg/Queens of $2,000.

“Our fundraiser was a great success!” said Sandra. “We had EXIT agents working along side Special Olympics volunteers to sell the items that we had donated. We even had some Special Olympics Lunenburg/Queens athletes here with their medals explaining the sports that they compete in to the shoppers. A good day was had by all who participated.”

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