Three $25,000 Grand Prizes Awarded at the 2018 EXIT International Convention

An air of regal extravagance fills the room as the formally-attired attendees of EXIT Realty’s Annual Convention arrive for the Chairman’s Ball. The Chairman’s Ball is the keystone event of the Convention, concluding an extraordinary week of education, entertaining speakers, breakout sessions, networking events, and more.

With everyone seated, EXIT Realty’s Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, takes the stage alongside Christina Luis, Senior Vice President.  In tribute to EXIT Realty’s iconic 10/7/5 Formula of single-level residuals, 10 names will be initially drawn, followed by 7, and finally 5 for a grand total of 22 names from those present in the room. By midnight three of these lucky finalists will win the grand prize of $25,000 each.

Playing to the suspense in the room, Christina reads the ballots, first revealing the country of residence, then state, franchise, and gender.  The anticipation is palpable with each revelation. When Christina finally announces the name, the lucky finalist rushes to the stage receiving thunderous applause.  The drawing process continues intermittently throughout the night, between a delicious four-course meal and exuberant dancing.

As the clock strikes midnight, one-by-one the 2018 grand prize winners are revealed: Dave Sauer, Franchisee with EXIT Canyons Realty in Holladay, Utah, Meredith Kennedy, Franchisee with EXIT Realty Lakeshore in Port Hope, Ontario, and Cecilia Cardenas, Franchisee with EXIT Realty Urban Living in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Recently, EXIT asked the lucky three to reflect on winning the grand prize.

“All week I felt an energy that I don’t remember feeling at any event I’ve ever attended,” said Dave. “After the seven of us had been called, Steve Morris said, ‘If this were me, I’d be affirming that I am a winner and I am winning’, so I did. I said it at least 100 times and even asked others to recite it with me. I made sure to congratulate everyone who was up on the stage with me. I didn’t think I would win, but I was making sure I enjoyed my moment in the lights. Then they called my name. The next two hours were a blur! I remember shaking Steve’s hand, jumping off the stage, lots of hugs, more high fives, and reaffirming with anyone and everyone who would say it with me, ‘I am a winner and I am winning!’”

“I was very surprised, shocked and overwhelmed,” said Meredith. “Earlier in the evening, I remember saying to the people at my table that I would love the gold watch <which is awarded to the runners-up>. I never believed I would be a grand prize winner! I just opened my first franchise in July. The money has been a great help. I took my agents out for a social evening and we went axe throwing (their request). It was great to see them have so much fun. ‘Work Hard! Play Hard!’ I then took my supportive family out for dinner.”

“What a wonderful moment Sunil Chillar and I experienced with our EXIT family,” said Cecilia. “Winning $25,000?? WOW. Every day that I wake up with a loving and healthy family is a day I win the lottery. Winning the Grand Prize at the Convention was like winning the lottery twice that day! EXIT is a company that not only allows us to set our goals high, but also gives us the added push to reach them. Sunil and I are grateful for the amazing training and tools offered by an even more amazing group of people who are always just a phone call away. We have decided to reinvest our winnings back into our office because we’ve been taught that we can accomplish anything we set our minds on.”

The Chairman’s Ball Grand Prize giveaway is a revelled tradition for EXIT to express its gratitude to Convention attendees for helping make it such a spectacular event each year. It’s the energy and enthusiasm that results from having everyone under the same roof at Convention that makes the planning and execution a labor of love.

EXIT Realty Associates who are interested in attending EXIT Realty’s Annual Convention in 2019 can register today for early bird pricing, which is available until March 31st, 2019.


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