Former CEO of Starbucks, Orin Smith, was well-known for his entrepreneurship, but he was beloved in his hometown for his philanthropic efforts to build...
A commentary by Tami Bonnell, CEO, EXIT Realty Corp. International
While it’s reported that 95% of Facebook users didn’t use the Friends List Feed feature,...
A commentary by Annette Anthony, Vice President Technology Engagement, EXIT Realty Corp. International
Your database is the lifeblood of your business as a real estate...
Long before Julie Jenkins became a real estate agent, she recognized the value of community involvement in building her professional clout. Although she is...
A commentary by Tami Bonnell, CEO, EXIT Realty Corp. International
Recently I heard from a Broker/Owner who was feeling overwhelmed because she lost her top...
EXIT Realty Corp. International is excited to announce a new addition to its Premier Partner program: Assistantly. This innovative company specializes in...
EXIT Realty Corp. International is pleased to announce that OneSource has become its newest Premier Partner. OneSource is renowned for streamlining the...