“I was blown away!” says Erica Siegel, EXIT Kingdom Realty

A commentary by Erica Siegel, Sales Representative, EXIT Kingdom Realty, Forest Hills, NY.

Erica Siegel, EXIT Kingdom RealtyI joined EXIT Realty in 2008 because of Vincent Koo, Broker/Owner of EXIT Kingdom Realty who was one of my volunteers when I worked with the American Cancer Society.  It was evident from our relationship that the company he worked for had three core values: support, mentoring and coaching.  This philosophy was reinforced when I joined the company and attended my first NYC Regional Convention in March of 2009. I was blown away by the commitment, the camaraderie and the focus on training and education.  I learned stories of how EXIT Realty helped real estate agents who started with virtually no experience, and many with little money, become successful, thoroughly trained, highly sought-after real estate salespeople and brokers. Hearing similar  success stories has now become a routine part of my week, reinforcing that I made the right choice, the best choice, the smartest choice, EXIT Realty.

EXIT Realty continues to teach me the importance of being in control of my life and my business.  EXIT’s MIND-SET Training Systems, webinars and extensive library of technology provide me with the support necessary to best service my clients.  EXIT’s sponsoring program provides me with an incentive to grow our company and the commitment to want to mentor and teach others coupled with the peace of mind of a continuous income stream. As an endurance athlete who trains for marathons as well as a former classroom teacher, I recognize the value of experienced, passionate coaches who have helped me get to the finish line or the end of the semester with a challenging group of students.  Selling real estate has its own set of obstacles and hurdles and thanks to social networking, I have consulted with, been inspired by, and been able to learn from various EXIT Realty associates across North America.

One such coach is Jeff Lobb who  truly is the secret weapon of our industry.  From every one of his trainings I attend, I take away another piece of genius that I can apply to my business.  Bill Nasby Productions has turned out some of the most passionate and creative individuals who are committed to improving their life and their business through consistent practice and faith.  Bill Nasby and Erica Nasby might be the most incredible teachers on this earth guiding me how to create my life of success and learning from every opportunity, challenge and experience presented to me.  Angel Tucker is a household name for me and her Personality Profiles Trainings continue to provide me with skills that I am perfecting and utilizing every day allowing me to communicate effectively by giving people what they want versus what I want.  This is not easy for an I-type personality but the results are so rewarding!

EXIT Realty is on the cutting edge of success. When I attended a networking event and a real estate agent in the area found out what company I worked for, his immediate response was, “Wow! You work for EXIT Realty.  You have an incredible retirement structure.”   EXIT is a company that honors production and success and I could not be happier to be here!

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