A commentary by Craig Witt, President, North U.S. Division, EXIT Realty Corp. International
Jon Gordon co-wrote a popular book that we enjoy and follow here at EXIT Realty; One Word That Will Change Your Life. My “one word” this year is INVEST, with my intention being to invest in myself, in others and in everything I do at the highest level. Have you picked your “one word” for 2016? Why is it special and what is the true meaning? Do you have it posted everywhere you look throughout the day so you can be reminded of the impact this word will have in guiding you? We all need a simple reminder to keep us focused and balanced in every part of our lives, and I’m convinced the “one word” concept is powerful and effective. It is like a compass here at EXIT to help us all improve.
As we continue our journey into 2016, it is imperative we consult with our business plans and measure our milestone achievements and shortcomings. In order to stay on track, your plan should be in front of you every day to give you a sense of accountability. Depending on your personality type, this may come easily or be a tremendous challenge. Real estate professionals by nature are more effective when they have a coach or a mentor who holds them accountable, but what about personal accountability?
I am investing in others this year by promoting personal accountability through a topic I will be sharing called, The Responsible Agent: Accepting Zero Personal Tolerance in 2016. You see, I believe that behavior doesn’t lie. Actions have consequences, and it is my goal to encourage all our EXIT Associates to examine their own personal conduct and to strive to improve in every aspect of their lives.
We lead by example, and people are watching our behavior more than ever, mostly online these days. Log on to any social media site and you can get your fill of individual beliefs and political posturing. Freedom of speech is a freedom we cherish, and we are all entitled to our opinion. I would like to encourage all our associates to hold themselves to a higher standard, both personally and professionally. Let’s use the power of social media to grow ourselves and our businesses, which will then include positive growth for all of EXIT Realty.
Steve Morris, EXIT Realty’s Founder and Chairman, affirms that ours is the finest real estate company on Earth; a place where every associate loves and respects the company. Let’s do our part to not only be the best, but to be the most socially responsible.