The search for something more

By Tami Bonnell, Co-Chair, EXIT Realty Corp. International

We’re seeing a mass exodus of people from the 9 to 5 workaday world. In fact, according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, “There are now 9.44 million unincorporated self-employed workers—up over 500,000 since the start of the pandemic.”  People want to be in charge of their own life. They want to get away from bureaucracy and spend more time with family. They want a fluid and flexible schedule. They want to do work that matters.

When 9/11 hit, the default reaction wasn’t, “Oh gosh, how’s my 401K doing?” People were thinking about their family, the people they love, and their legacy. The crisis shone a spotlight on what was important. The same thing happened in 2008 during the worst recession since the depression. But the pandemic was different.  It really hit a nerve and caused a tremendous number of people of all ages to take stock of where their life is and where it’s going. That’s the trigger behind the 9 to 5 exodus; the search for something more and an unwillingness to settle.

So, how do you reinvent your life and career and invest in yourself and others? One of the smartest ways to do that is to become part of EXIT. At EXIT Realty, we’ve created an entire ecosystem to empower people grow as individuals, become better businesspeople, improve their relationships, and build wealth with a steady, consistent cashflow.  A career with EXIT gives them the flexibility to live life on their terms, make a great living and positively impact others. If you want to be in business for yourself but not by yourself, EXIT is the solution.

Synergy informs every aspect of our company.  For example, the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program is a way for you as an EXIT associate to work together with the people in your office to hold a fundraiser for a charity and apply to have the funds matched so that you can have a positive impact on the community right where you live. Whether children’s charities, medical research or animal welfare tugs at your heart, we have your back and together we can do more.

Everyone in our by-invitation-only organization is valued.  That’s why Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, invented a business model that rewards our people financially for introducing others to the company and helping them. That’s why we pay a bonus to administration staff who don’t even work for EXIT Realty Corp. International. We recognize that they are the backbone of our brokerages, and we want to acknowledge and thank them for their contribution to our success. We want to keep good people and help them grow, regardless of their role with the company.

The players on any successful sports team instinctively know what their teammates are going to do when they’ve played well together over time. That is how our corporate office rolls – executives have been with the company an average of 17 years and Head Office staff an average of 15 years – and that’s how we’re teaching our regions and brokers to roll.  Hire for strength and character and retain good people.  With EXIT Realty, not only do our people have a proven track to run on, but they’re part of a group of individuals who are helping each other to grow to the next level.

If you’re searching for that kind of environment, EXIT Realty has it.  

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