The top brokerages in the EXIT Realty family were honored recently during an awards presentation broadcast throughout the US and Canada.
#1 Highest Grossing Office...
EXIT Realty Corp. International announced the company’s 2020 Brokers of the Year during an awards presentation recently broadcast throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Canada: Mary...
Marc Austin Highfill, Owner of EXIT First Realty, took top honors during the EXIT Realty Corp. International annual awards event broadcast recently across the...
By Tami Bonnell, CEO, EXIT Realty Corp. International
Bob Dylan famously sang, “The times they are a’changin’” and following are a few ways they’re a’changin’...
We asked Kristen Trembinski, Regional Owner of EXIT Realty Northern Ontario and Broker/Owner of EXIT Realty Lake Superior, Brokerage, in Sault Ste. Marie, to...
The face of the average home buyer is continually evolving, a development driven by extensive technological, economic, and cultural forces. As real estate professionals,...
Flexible working arrangements are changing the landscape of the modern workplace. One’s home is being increasingly seen as a viable place to do business...
Self-development books have undergone a paradigm shift in recent years. People everywhere are recognizing the significant role our habits, perceptions, and attitudes play in...